All things Batman, Affleck, Thor, Avengers, super-hero movies

I’ve been busy lately with a house move and a business trip to abroad, so this whole Ben Affleck as Batman thing snuck up and passed me in a internet meme minute. But never fear, if you want a larger view of all things super-hero-summer-block-buster-Marvel-DC-comics-for-the-next-three-years go ahead and read this looooong but everything you need to know piece over at Screencrush

One thought on “All things Batman, Affleck, Thor, Avengers, super-hero movies

  1. Jeez, that Batman costume shot in the linked article is, is…I’m speechless. Could they possibly make it worse.

    Batman used to be a cool character, but every movie iteration seems to drag him down and down, into some darker-and-grittier rabbit hole. What’s the point.

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