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Micron Pens vs. Cintiq: Can you spot the difference?

In a blog post by Pajama Diaries creator Terri Libenson, she writes that she switched to a Cintiq earlier this year and has been refining her ink line on the Cintiq. Using the above panels – can you tell which one she drew with the Micron pen and which one with the Cintiq? Honestly, I could not. Visit her blog to find out which one is which.

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Comments 4

  1. I added better examples on my blog. These looked different in Photoshop than they did once I posted them, for some odd reason.

  2. From my experience, Photoshop isn’t the best inking program. I’ve been inking Red’s Planet digitally in Manga Studio and have had very favorable results. Most people can’t tell the difference and I’m able to achieve the look of brush inking without the look of perfect computer line (i.e.Adobe Illustrator).

    Terri, I would suggest you down load the Manga Studio demo and give it a try. If you need help, please feel free to contact me.

  3. Thanks, Eddie, you’re the second person to mention that. I’ll certainly look into it.

  4. Yeah, I thought Photoshop was bad for inking so I used Painter X until I came across these brushes made by Kyle T Webster. They’re awesome. I’m done with Painter now.

    I don’t know how I came across him, but I know I was wasting time and clicking around when I did. So, let that be a lesson to you: never don’t procrastinate.

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