Comic strips

Chuck Ayers creates strip to promote Heisman Trophy candidate Dri Archer

Chuck Ayer comic about Dri Archer

Kent State hired Crankshaft and Funky Winkerbean cartoonist Chuck Ayers to create a comic to help promote their Heisman Trophy candidate Dri Archer. Chuck is a 1971 Kent State alum.

From Yahoo Sports:

Schools are looking for more and more unique ways to prop up Heisman candidates to get exposure. Kent State is no exception.
“All the credit goes to them. I really had nothing to do with the initial planning part,” Ayers said. “Somehow they hit upon sort of a superhero approach, and being a Kent graduate and a cartoonist my name came up. They got in touch with me and asked me if I’d be interested, and I said that sounds great. That’s basically how I got involved; I just got asked.”

The first strip was sent out via Twitter with another being released Aug. 21. More “The Archer” comic strips are coming. A second one is scheduled to be released Aug. 21.

You can see the full comic at the Record Courier.

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Comments 1

  1. It was a headline story on too

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