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Diesel Sweeties designs cancer patient sleeves

R. Stevens cancer sleeve design
Great news about Diesel Sweeties’ R. Stevens. From Boing Boing

To help prevent lymphedema or control the swelling if it does happen, many doctors recommend we use compression sleeves. It used to be that the only kind of sleeves available looked like big ugly bandages, but LympheDIVAs, a company started by two women with breast cancer in Philadelphia, was one of the first to change that.

When I put on my “Lotus Dragon” one, people think I have an actual sleeve tattoo, which cracks me up. When I first started wearing it , I tweeted that it would also be fun to see Diesel Sweeties comic creator R. Stevens, who designs fun patterns for socks, gloves, and other wearables, create some stuff for LympheDIVAs. I am thrilled to learn that this happened! R. Stevens has designed four sleeve/gauntlet products for LympheDIVAs, and they all look great.

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Comments 1

  1. This is a great item, thanks Alan!

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