Times-Picayune to start printing daily
Skip to commentsDavid Carr writes in The New York Times that a year after the Times-Picayune in New Orleans dropped to a thrice weekly paper, the paper will start printing a paper daily. But what it’s printing and who gets it is?. complicated. Here’s how David describes it:
On Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays, a broadsheet called The Times-Picayune will be available for home delivery and on the newsstands for 75 cents. On Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, a tabloid called TPStreet will be available only on newsstands for 75 cents.
In addition, a special electronic edition of TPStreet will be available to the three-day subscribers of the home-delivered newspaper. On Saturdays, there will be early print editions of the Sunday Times-Picayune with some breaking news and some Sunday content.
David also describes how the floundering efforts to make The Times-Picayune more digital has floundered and opened up New Orleans to other competing newspapers who are making inroads in the city.
It sounds like another recipe for failure to me.
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