Editorial cartooning

Navasky: 15 cartoons that changed the world

Buzzfeed has a post by Victor Navasky and his summary of 15 of the most influential cartoons from around the world.

No. 10:

In more than 30 years at the helm of The Nation, only once (in the spring of 1984) did the staff march on my office with a petition (signed by 25 people in an office that I had thought employed only 23), demanding in advance that we not publish something ? and that something was a caricature of Henry Kissinger, in David Levine’s words, “screwing the world.” The staff’s objection: “…a progressive magazine has no business using rape jokes and sexist imagery (he screws, she is screwed) to make the point that Kissinger revels in international dominance. Kissinger is a man, but the globe is not a woman.”

David Levine's controversial cartoon about Kissinger

Navasky is the author of a new book called “The Art of Controversy: Political Cartoons and Their Enduring Power“. He’s also a featured speaker at this year’s Association of American Editorial Cartoonists convention in June in Salt Lake City.

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Comments 2

  1. A great example of the power of cartooning. Brilliant.

  2. During the nineteen-sixties there was a satirical revue in San Francisco– The Committee– which ran for a number of years. In the lobby of the theatre where it was playing, there was at one time an enlargement of a cartoon by Frank Interlandi (unless it was by his twin brother Phil, but I don’t think so). The cartoon was virtually identical to the one by David Levine, except that it was Richard M. Nixon who was having his way with the globe. I saw this cartoon in the late sixties, I think, and I may have also seen it previously in some publication, perhaps The Realist. I have been looking around the internet just now, trying to find any mention of this coincidence, but have turned up nothing at all. Does anyone else remember Interlandi’s cartoon?

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