Editorial cartooning

2013 National Headliner’s Award goes to Steve Breen

Cartoon from Steve Breen?s Headline Award Portfolio

The 2013 National Headliner?s Award has been announced and in the category of Editorial cartoons, the winner is Steve Breen of the U-T San Diego, San Diego, Calif. This is his second Headliner?s award (previous was 2009). The award was founded by the Press Club of Atlantic City to hightlight the best journalism in newspapers.

Second and third place goes to Walt Handlesman of Newsday and Clay Bennett of the Chattanooga Times-Free Press respectively.

You can see a portfolio of Steve?s award winning work over at the U-T San Diego website.

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Comments 14

  1. Congrats, Steve – another feather in your cap and well deserved…

  2. Way to go, Steve! Hope you’re coming to Salt Lake so I can buy you a celebratory beer.

  3. Sometimes I think that cartoonists’ social function is similar to how ancients viewed prophets. They have ways of expressing reality – with a hard punch at times!

    Well done, Steve Breen!

  4. It appears that Mr. Breen is misguided and doesn’t quite understand what the NRA is all about. What a shame those of us with opposing ideas and points of views can’t get a national platform like Breen to express what the second amendment is all about and how every American has a stake in this debate.

  5. @Rob Hale—there are quite a number of “conservative” cartoonists being published on national platforms that show the other side of the great divide in this country. Dig a little deeper and see for yourself.

  6. “What a shame those of us with opposing ideas and points of views can?t get a national platform like Breen to express what the second amendment is all about and how every American has a stake in this debate.”

    What a crock.

  7. “What a shame those of us with opposing ideas and points of views can?t get a national platform like Breen to express what the second amendment is all about and how every American has a stake in this debate.”

    This is strange. If you wanted a national platform to express yourself like Breen, then you should have become an editorial cartoonist. While he was drawing everyday to build his career, what were you doing?

  8. Mr Hale,
    I can tell you what the NRA is all about from personal experience. Several years ago, during the inevitable Mid-Missouri backlash from an unflattering editorial toon I did about the NRA, I spent about an hour on the phone with the Missouri Chapter president. I came away from that conversation with but one revelation and that is the NRA is a business, no more, no less. And they traffic in fear and the ignorance of their followers. The gun culture is now a religion and the NRA is the chruch. Breen is right on the mark.
    As far as the 2nd ammendment goes, they called it an “ammendment” for a reason. They didn’t call it the “2nd You Can’t Touch This Thing for Our Guns Deal Ever!”

  9. Let’s be fair — not everyone can draw. Even if you could, the editorial cartooning jobs are all taken by flamebat liberals like Glenn McCoy and Gary Varvel and Lisa Benson and rest of those leftwing socialist pinkos.

    What I would suggest, Rob, is that you look into radio. Maybe you could invent a new kind of radio show that would allow people who love liberty and guns and freedom and who hate communists and taxes to talk about their beliefs for a little while each day.

    The liberals can’t dominate this discussion forever, dad gummit.

  10. Congrats Steve! Your work always inspires me artistically and socially.

  11. #4 Rob. I’m afraid I’m have to disagree w/ your assertion that Mr. Breen is misguided and that there’s no conservative voices on the issue. He’s not and there are. Is it balanced? Not close but we’re out here working w/ no delusions of winning the Pulitzer or the Headliner or a staff job but we’re still finding editors who believe in honest public discussion. And that’s a good thing for everybody.

    btw: Anybody post here that’s from Boston? Watertown? Did you or your loved ones ever wish you had a gun last week?

  12. And congratulations to Breen and Sack.

  13. Congrats Steve, Clay & Walt.

  14. Congratulations, Steve. You’re going to need a bigger trophy case.

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