Comic history Comic strips

Video: The Miss Buxley you no longer see

Out of the YouTube archives (also known as old video uploaded 3 days ago), comes a CNN report about the changes Mort Walker made in Beetle Bailey after complaints of sexism. Video was aired in 1997.

Definitely a change for the better.

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Comments 12

  1. But is it a change for the funnier?

  2. This is a bit of revisionist history. When Mort Walker brought Miss Buxley into the strip she was totally mainstream, reflecting the existing reality of our culture at the time.

    I would say Walker held up a mirror to the times, and the General’s lust for Miss Buxley’s young beauty did as much to cause the widespread perception of a need to change the status quo as Ms Magazine did.

  3. Miss Buxley was used primarily for jokes about old horndogs getting cheap thrills by checking out her body; a one-dimensional character if there ever was one. In the same vein, Johnny hart had a character called the “Cute Chick”, which is a sexist moniker if there ever was one, but she had far more personality.

  4. But sexy, handsome me are still ok, right? Square jawed and muscled up with thin waists and heroic poses? Just no curvy women, right, ’cause that’s sexist? Fairness seems fairly non-sensicle…

  5. Sexy handsome square jawed musclemen where, in Beetle Bailey? Maybe Walker should introduce some new character who fits that description…then we could have a “don’t ask, don’t tell” series of gags where it turns out Plato digs dudes. Hilarity ensues!

  6. Yeah, Plato and Killer on the downlow. Might as well get with the times!

  7. Gerry: That’s a mental picture I just didn’t need. Thanks a pantload. 😛

  8. Quite the coincidence that you posted this when you did. On Wednesday morning, I purchased a copy of “Miss Buxley: Sexism in Beetle Bailey” on ebay after running across a listing for it on Amazon.

    Miss Buxley: Sexism in Beetle Bailey? by Mort Walker

    This book was inspired by the controversy swirling about the use of Miss Buxley in the Beetle Bailey comic strip. Some readers objected to the portrayal of a pretty girl secretary, her allure to the men in the office and her preferential treatment. Other readers saw the truth in the situation and thought the episodes humorous. Letters to the editors caused some newspapers to delete Miss Buxley, much to the dismay of her fans. Several newspapers took polls to determine if she should be dropped. Included herein is a selection of strips featuring Miss Buxley, along with comments pro and con, culled from letters, articles and interviews…

    Paperback: 96 pages
    Publisher: Comicana (1982)
    Language: English
    ISBN-10: 0940420015
    ISBN-13: 978-0940420014
    Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 7.2 x 0.4 inches

  9. Who cares what the killjoys say? More Miss Buxley bending over!

  10. And people complain about blue-nosed censors of the Fifties. Clearly, it’s much worse now,

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