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Comments 13

  1. This was a great find, the Far Side was a huge inspiration for my comic and it was great to see him talk about his work. For more great insights on the Far Side, people should check out “The Prehistory of the Far Side” He talks about how he began and does a lot of commentary on the making of his comics.

  2. Wow, Hugh Downs looks so young.

  3. Fun to see Gary working and demonstrating—
    Love the irony of Vince Guaraldi’s music playing in the background!

  4. Barbara Walters looks the same.

  5. Great post! I actually saddens me a little because the days when the comment “did you see today’s _______ comic?” are pretty much over. I don’t see another comic strip icon like Larson or Watterson evolving in the near future. Not only do people share content without compensation but what they share is usually one meme after another.

    Instead of wondering what Snoopy will say in today’s paper, we can now look to facebook for another 6-word rant pasted on the picture of a grumpy cat.

  6. I love Gary’s work. I own most of his books, and still like to re-read them when I need a good laugh.
    I agree with Dave Nelson, I don’t mean to be dating myself (only 49), but I remember as a kid my parents used to post Family Circus, Freddy, Priscilla’s Pop, and Mr. Tweedy comics on our ‘fridge all the time. Comics that people could relate to having kids and just plain funny. I need to unfriend some friends on FB that constantly post cute animal pictures with obnoxious comments, and those crappy, sappy, motivational pictures…….they just bung up my FB pages! Even commercials on TV are just as stupid! Coke or McDonald’s should run a campaign of their old commercials from the ’60’s and ’70’s where the jingles and slogans were just fun to watch. I sometimes boycott companies and products just because their commercials are so ridiculous. Ok, jumping off my soapbox now.

  7. What find. Love his humour and cartoons style. Great to finally see something of how he thought and di the actual comics. This is a rare opportunity for us fans. Think he’s off somewhere playing jazz guitar nowdays.

  8. Ahhhhh glory days…rerun TFS!

  9. His success was a boon to the newspaper comics page; his humor was refreshingly lopsided, quirky without being cruel. The best panel comic today for my money is Bizarro, which is quite different but consistently good.

  10. I have very fond memories of reading and laughing loudly to Far Side cartoons in my teenage years. They were always so sharp and perceptive.

    I’m sure I have a compilation book somewhere. I must fish it out.

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