AAEC Editorial cartooning

AAEC Convention details emerging

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Last December the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists announced they’d hold their 2013 convention in Salt Lake City, UT. In a post yesterday, a few more details have emerged. The official dates are June 27–29 and the hotel is Little America – one of the finest hotels in SLC with a really great rate.

From the AAEC:

The schedule is being hammered out, but will feature “wet” receptions (yes, you can get a drink in Utah), prominent personalities, panels, shows, and a “Cartoons & Cocktails” gala open to the paying public.

Attendees may want to fit the convention into a more extended vacation since Salt Lake is close to several national parks and offers tons of outdoor recreation, including some of the best fishing, biking, hiking and camping anywhere in the world.

The host hotel is the renowned Little America, which is offering AAEC members a special $119 daily rate (usual $189) for the best rooms in Salt Lake. Located in the heart of the city, it is close to dozens of quality restaurants, pubs and shopping-the recently opened City Creek Center was designated the “Best Mall in the Americas”. A new light rail spur which opens in April can whisk you from the Salt Lake City International AIrport and deliver you to the front door of Little America.

This convention is being spearheaded by Salt Lake Tribune editorial cartoonist Pat Bagley.

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