Editorial cartooning

Dana Summers takes buyout from Orlando Sentinel

Dana Summers, editorial cartoonist for the Orlando Sentinel, announced on Facebook he was laid off from the paper due to cutbacks. Jim Romenesko reports that that several Sentinel employees, including Dana, took a buyout. Dana mentions that he’ll continue to syndicate editorial cartoons through his syndicate and focus on his two comic strips Bound and Gagged and the Middletons.

I’ll report more information as I learn of it.

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Comments 2

  1. Dana is yet another casualty that leaves a major gap in quality local and national cartooning. Not only is he a great cartoonist, he’s also a great guy. Good luck on your continuing work with the editorial and strip features.

  2. Dana,

    We have sparred for many years, and I will miss that. You are a genius and the paper is beyond contempt for this action. I have written them accordingly, but surprise, surprise they have not responded. You should see some of the other efforts they have published. Not even close to your talent.

    But it happened and I will continue to enjoy the strips and look on the web for your amazing editorial cartoons.

    We miss you.


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