Comic strips

Profiled: Rick O’Shay creator to retire in Equador

Rick OShay by Stan Lynde

Stan Lynde, creator of Rick O’Shay and Latigo is leaving Montana for Equador. The Montana Standard profiles Stan’s career in comics and his ties to the Big Sky Country.

Lynde was turned down by 12 of the big cartoon syndicates, but number 13 was his big break.

He met Maurice “Moe” Reilly, vice president of the Chicago Tribune/New York News syndicate, who’d spent summers in Montana, where his uncle was foreman at the Matador Ranch.

“He recognized what I was trying to do,” said Lynde. “He was a very creative editor and mentor and he brought me along.”

Over the years, 1958 to 1977, Rick O’ Shay grew from a circulation in 30 papers to 100, including some of the biggest newspapers in the country – The New York News, Chicago Tribune, L.A. Times, Philadelphia Inquirer – and of course, a number of Montana newspapers including the Independent Record.

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Comments 2

  1. I once did a tribute to Stan Lynde in the ‘Spirits’ section of my Krazy Kat screencast (you know, dead cartoonists). Imagine my mortification when he subscribed to my channel!

    I’ve been a fan my whole life. Good luck Stan.

  2. A beautifully drawn and enjoyable strip. Great memories. Good luck and best wishes.

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