
iPad dominates mobile online shopping this last weekend

Interesting report from TAUW (The Unofficial Apple Weblog) regarding the increase in the number of people shopping this last Black Friday from a mobile device:

That usage trend is continuing, based on IBM’s retail analytics report covering Black Friday’s online shopping surge. With online sales on Friday up 20.7% year-over-year, there was a lot of clicking going on – and quite a bit of tapping, too. Sales via a mobile device hit 16% of all online sales, up from almost 10% the previous year; mobile visits to shopping sites climbed to 24% of consumers, up 10 percentage points from 2011.

The big kahuna in the mobile shopping landscape: the iPad. Apple’s tablet “generated more traffic than any other tablet or smartphone, reaching nearly 10 percent of online shopping,” according to IBM’s report. The next device in line was the iPhone, with 8.7% of shopping traffic, then all Android devices combined with 5.5% of traffic. The iPad’s 10% slice of mobile retail translates to a whopping 88.3% of tablet shopping traffic, with the Nook, Kindle and Samsung Galaxy tablets all eking out shares of 3% or less.

Business Insider also reports that mobile payments increased substantially this year as well – 173% over last year.

Say it with me now, “the future is mobile.” Are you ready?

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