Books: Speed Bump: Cartoons for Idea People by Dave Coverly
Skip to commentsUnlike many books I receive for review, I sought this one out. When I contributed to the Kenosha Festival of Cartooning, one of the rewards was an autographed book and I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to get a autographed book collection from Speed Bump creator Dave Coverly.
I would argue if there was any cartoonist that deserved the comic panel mantle left by Gary Larson – it should go to Dave. The panel is consistently well drawn, executed and the most important funny. All review books I get in the mail get an initial thumb-through. A very small number stop my day until I’ve read every page front to back. Dave’s collection joined that small number.
“Speed Bump: Cartoons for Idea People” was first published in 2004. Worth having in your collection.
Rich Diesslin