Comic strips

John Lotshaw to chronicle launch of a comic strip on NCS blog

John Lotshaw is developing a comic strip and he’ll be chronicling the progress on the National Cartoonists Society’s blog.

John writes:

Over the course of the next few months, I will be developing a new comic, entitled Ray Blaster in Blazin’ Phazers. My starting point for this concept was the idea of “Thimble Theater in space” (but more on that later). I’ll regularly post about everything that’s going on behind-the-scenes as I develop and mold the comic in preparation for launch. The articles will be about everything from character design to story development to marketing and promotion. I’ll cover configuring a WordPress site to make it into a webcomic engine. I’ll write about the building of a writer’s bible and model sheets to create the consistency of the comic. I’ll cover promoting the comic and the building of an audience. I’ll also delve into, when the time comes, monetization and commercialization.

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Comments 5

  1. This sounds really interesting. I’ll be following. Thanks, John!

  2. Good luck!!!! It si SO FREAKING tough to get anyone to notice my strip… maybe because is stinks…. Sounds like you have a great plan to grab readers to your strip… AWESOME!!!!!!!! I wish you the best with it. I’ll be checking it out.

  3. We’ll have to interview you for my Webcomics class in the Spring quarter at SCAD. What you’re attempting, John, is exactly what we cover in ten weeks.

  4. @David: Actually, this isn’t intended so much to build publicity for “Ray Blaster” (although, if it does, I’m fine with that!). It’s more to be a part of the NCS’ outreach to comics fans by showing some of the creative process behind the scenes.

    @Mike: Just say when! Any chance to go back to the Crystal Beer Parlor for onion rings… mmmm….

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