International Mohammed Cartoon

French magazine publishes Mohammed cartoons

Satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdo has published crude caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed which has many fearing they are throwing “oil on the fire” considering the protests and riots occurring right now around the world over a short film called “The Innocence of Muslims.”

From Huffington Post:

The prime minister said freedom of expression is guaranteed in France, but cautioned that it “should be exercised with responsibility and respect.”

Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius defended freedom of expression, but warned that Charlie Hebdo could be throwing “oil on the fire” and said it’s up to courts to decide whether the magazine went too far.

“Freedom of expression can be limited by court decisions. If there is a case of overstepping, it’s up to individuals or groups to bring it to the courts, which will say whether the law … was respected,” he said after a Cabinet meeting.

I’m all for free speech and would caution against any censorship, but I with the right to free speech is also the responsibility to do so judiciously. Not sure the magazine is doing so in this case.

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