Gary McCoy attacks Fluke. Again. Outraged by the outrage
Skip to commentsA recent Gary McCoy editorial cartoon featuring Georgetown Law School graduate Sandra Fluke has sparked outrage among readers. And in characteristic Gary style, he’s confused at the outrage.
Here’s the cartoon in question:
Daryl Cagle asked him to respond to critics of the cartoon. Gary writes:
Why is it that a group of people so adept at filling out welfare claim forms while simultaneously watching Family Guy, and able to ignite an American flag using only a pair of reading glasses and two, foot-long strands of underarm hair, are so lost when it comes to understanding a simple cartoon? My recent Sandra Fluke cartoon seems to have infuriated many of the same crowd who popped blood vessels over my last Fluke cartoon, and are just now hanging their Anger Management Class diplomas on their bedroom walls.
And for those whose definition of a misogynist is anyone who criticizes an extremely ideological feminist who complains before the nation that despite attending Georgetown University on a $40,000 scholarship, she can’t afford nine-dollar-a-month birth control, I can only say, shave your armpits for crying out loud! You’re blocking my view.
As he mentioned, there was a bit of an uproar with a previous McCoy cartoon about Fluke back in March.
Regarding this cartoon, Gary responded on Daryl Cagle’s blog:
On top of it, many who wrote me said the statement in the cartoon isn’t even something that Miss Fluke has said. So there you have it, a woman not labeled Sandra Fluke, who doesn’t look like Sandra Fluke, saying something that Sandra Fluke has apparently not said. Yet, I’m hit with everything from being labeled a misogynist, to personal threats for calling Sandra Fluke a “slut”. This sort of knee-jerk reactionism makes the Rockettes look like a Tennessee Waltz dance act.
I called BS on Gary who essentially tried to say it wasn’t Fluke he was depicting. Now the latest cartoon makes no bones that it’s Fluke. Same woman, same Georgetown outfit – speaking at the Democratic National Convention.
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