Rina Piccolo: Where ideas come from
Skip to commentsAnd if ever an idea pops into your head without having to dig for it – and this sometimes happens – it’s rarely usable straight out of the gate. Ideas need to go through a process of development to become usable, and sellable. Those tools I’ve mentioned are in fact actual methods used to do this. It’s not easy, but it can be a lot of fun when done successfully. (You’ll pull hair and teeth when done unsuccessfully!) I think it’s important to add that when you’re churning cartoons out by the hundreds, they can’t all be stellar – some will be better than others, and some will be real clunkers. If you’re in the business of making cartoons, you accept this as unavoidable. (Maybe this can be the topic of a future blog post.)
Tina’s Groove and Velia, Dear creator Rina Piccolo talks about where her ideas come from.
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