Comic strips

Sherman’s Lagoon ebooks released for iOS devices

Sherman's Lagoon as an ebook

More and more comic collections are popping up in the Apple iBook Store. King Features Syndicate posts news that Jim Toomey’s Sherman’s Lagoon has been released as an ebook. Twelve of them actually. Books are $.99 and are between 17-20 pages each (which methinks is a small sample – even for $1).

As KFS editor Brendan Burford writes, “It’s a great way to open up a deeper look at the archives, and it’s broken into small batches so a reader can sample as they like.”

To me that’s one of the great things about the ebook market. With some of the new ebook creation tools, you can more easily release a collection of themed or best-of that are reasonably priced that generate a bit of income that you might not get otherwise. That said, the flip side is success is probably largely dependent on how well you can market and publicize that you have ebooks available.

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Comments 2

  1. Good to see these, especially since I love “Sherman.” But I agree that it seems there should be more to each book.

  2. It depends on how many comics are on a page. If it’s the equivalent of a 20 page comic book, 99 cents is a steal compared to its printed counterpart.

    Does it take longer to read than a five minute song that’s also 99 cents? I think that a comic is just as valuable as the latest top 40 single.

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