Editorial cartooning

Profiled: Nate Beeler returns to Ohio

Richard Ades, of The Other Paper, profiles Nate Beeler’s return to his home state of Ohio after taking an editorial cartooning job with the Columbus Dispatch. The article recounts Nate’s entry into cartooning and the papers he’s worked for that got him where he is today.

Circumstances aside, however, Beeler says he’s glad to return to Central Ohio, where his 4-year-old son, Max, can get to know his grandparents. In fact, Beeler and his wife, Eve, are temporarily renting the house right next door to his parents’ Bexley home.

Beeler also had another reason to return to Central Ohio: It brought him closer to the Blue Jackets, a team he’s followed since their 2000 debut.

“I started playing hockey in college,” he says. “I used some money that I got from winning the college cartooning awards and bought equipment and paid for a ‘learn how to skate and play hockey’ program in D.C.” He says he used to listen to Blue Jackets games online in his dorm room.

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Comments 2

  1. It’s great to have Nate back in Ohio.

  2. Good article on Nate. I’m sorry we didn’t hang out more and play guitar while he was in the area. Congrats, Nate!

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