Cartoons Fund Raisers

Jake Parker to pull in estimated $80,000 in Kickstarter

Jake Parker's The Antler Boy and Other Stories

Last month I mentioned that Jake Parker had launched a Kickstarter project to raise money to create a hard cover collection of some of his short stories. The estimated amount he’d need was $6,000. With one day left he’s raised over $77,000. If you haven’t checked out his work, I encourage you to do so. Throughout the process Jake has been adding a lot of extras to the project when the pledges hit certain milestones – which I think is pretty clever to keep donations flowing. Watching Jake’s project for the last month has taught me two things: set your pledge goal high enough to cover any of your actual costs if the project is funded but low enough that it is more likely to be funded.

It probably doesn’t hurt to have hordes of fans.

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