
Kenosha Festival of Cartooning receives matching grant from NCSF

The National Cartoonist Society Foundation has offered to match all new donations to the Kenosha Festival of Cartooning Kickstarter effort until it reaches its $10,000 goal. As of this writing, the festival has raised nearly $5,000 which means that it will need to raise at least $2,500 in the next 13 days in order to fund the Kickstarter project.

Another incentive has been offered. MAD Magazine cartoonist Tom Richmond has offered to donate five signed original MAD parodies to donors pledging $400.

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Comments 5

  1. This is wonderful news! I just doubled my pledge, knowing it’ll be matched by the NCSF’s generous offer.

    This project should have been fully funded weeks ago.

  2. I agree, Mike.
    Those of us in the Midwest need a comics gathering to go to.
    Help fund this people!

  3. I just contributed on Kickstarter. Everyone should!

  4. Thanks guys!

    Let’s keep going – pledge, pledge pledge!!

    (as you can see, I am not above the shameful plug)

  5. I meant shameless plug.


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