Contests Editorial cartooning

The Cartoonists Studio to launch new politically themed competition

On the heels of their second annual “So You Want to Be a Cartoonist” contest earlier this spring, The Cartoonists Studio will launch two politically themed contests in June and August with winners of both contests announced the day before this year’s presidential election.

More details will be posted at a later date, but here’s what I know:

The first contest starting in June is a single panel contest. It will run 10 weeks and operate much like previous contests with deadlines for contestants to upload their cartoons twice a week. Judging will come from the public in conjunction of the judges’ votes. Uploading twice a week allows contestants to keep their work relevant to the political news of the week if they wish. The second contest starts on August 27 and is for the political comic strippers. Same operating procedures as the first contest.

Judges will be looking for writing, cleverness, relevancy to issues, use of humor, originality, craft, and ability to convey ideas with as few words as possible.

I’ll be posting more details as they become available.

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Comments 9

  1. … and hopefully will not have people voting like the last two contests that were heavily skewed towards whoever could send in the most votes.

    The contest poses a GRAND opportunity for us hard working cartoonists. Good luck to all who enter!!!!

  2. I agree David. I’m not sure what big role the votes actually play in determining who wins. I really don?t see the need for the voting part, unless the judges are using it as some indication of a strip?s appeal. Personally, I can live without the voting part and would be just fine with leaving everything totally up to the judges, while have the process of elimination serve as the only gauge for a strip?s progression in the contest.

    But this contest sounds interesting. I’ve always wanted to give my editorial cartooning desires a try, so I’m in.

  3. I am not a political person and always keep politics out of my strip. I’ll pass until they want to do another contest for a daily strip… but only if they cut out the voting. Too many well deserving strips had just a few votes to start the contest out and they were eliminated solely on votes and not the merit of the cartoonists work, worth, or talent. Very sad.

    I still think Commander Broccoli and Almost Grounded should have made it to the end but they were cut before week three!!!!!

    My two strips were cut in week ONE and week three… but I stink and probably deserved that. lol!

  4. I LOVE THIS!!!! @ David….the voting part is to drive traffic and ‘hits’ to their site. I get that. As for the winner this year….well, hands down, he DESERVED it. Personally, I can’t wait for this one. I’d even emailed the head guys in charge and requested some sort of a ‘political cartoonist’ contest. I don’t do strips or gags. The ONLY toons I do are of the editorial variety. Am doing the happy dance right about now…..WOOT, WOOT!!!

  5. Is this in conjunction with a syndicate as were their last contests? Is there any kind of prize?

  6. @ Mike – I totally agree that the winner did deserve it… but I also stand by my statement that some of the early eliminations did NOT deserve what they got. The Cartoonist Studio is so great for doing what they do, but if they really need to evaluate what is more important…

    A. Getting hits


    B. Encouraging cartoonists with talent over those who need more work.

    I am sure the answer is A since it is all about the bottom line of your business… but I just wish they would look into the ballot stuffing and limit one vote PER IP ADDRESS per ever 6 hour period. THEN they would see what is really going on.

    Please don’t take my comment the wrong way. My strips stunk and I got what I deserved. There were others though that did not deserve going out in the first four rounds just because they had trouble getting friends to vote or did not have time to set up accounts and vote 20 times for themselves. The IP address limitation will cure that issue.

  7. David,
    I entered the first contest they had. I routinely had between 30-60 votes. No more. I made it into the final round. It’s not all about votes. Voting counts some but, the judges have tried really hard to make sure that the strongest toonage gets through. There are many factors that go into what makes a truly good toon….artwork, humor, staying-power, appeal, writing, etc.etc.etc. I would highly recommend that you email Tony or one of the other guys there and ask for some honest critique. However, if you ask, be prepared for honesty. Over the years, I’ve asked dang near every syndicated inkslinger in the business to critique my toons. I take every one and try to ‘see’ that they see and make changes as I can. Don’t get too down on this contest. I also had some friends who got voted out early…and some who made it to round 10. I looked at some of the top 3 toonist’s work. The top two were definitely the best. Best of luck!

  8. David,
    Forgot to mention….I DID see several entries that routinely got THOUSANDS of votes. THAT amazed me. Mostly because A) I had no idea anybody KNEW that many people to vote that often and B) because these same people didn’t have the courage or the honesty about them to tell their ‘friends’ that their strips blew chunks!

  9. Thanks Mike and I actually did but the reply from the Cartoonist Studio was not much help unfortunately. It all boiled down to my ego thinking I was better than I could ever hope to be.

    The contest grounded me to reality. I am just a guy who loves to draw his comic strip and if no one reads it, no problem. It makes me happy and makes me laugh so as long as I can keep drawing and posting Charmy’s Army, I am going to do it. Maybe one day something will click and I’ll actually get good at this… but I am not going to put money on it or get my head back up in those clouds… the fall back to Earth is painful! lol….

    I also agree that the first contest was much better and the votes did not count a s much. Good strips were saved unlike this time.

    Also, I agree the top three strips were the best of the contest. So in that regards all ended well.

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