Marty Two Bulls wins SPJ editorial cartooning award
Skip to commentsIn my haste to report that Matt Bors had won the Society of Professional Journalists’ Sigma Delta Chi award, I neglected to note the award was also given to Marty Two Bulls (different circulation category). Marty is the editorial cartoonist for the Indian Country Today Media Network. He’s worked as a commercial designer and graphic editor for two daily papers (Rapid City Journal and the Sioux Falls Argus Leader). He now lives in New Mexico where he does cartoons for the ICTMN and is finishing a degree in art.
From the Indian Country Today Media Network:
What is the nature of the work you’re creating?
My area of study includes all the mediums available to me from sterling silver to ancient cedar. I have been doing a number of paintings for my senior art show on a loose series of themes, but based on an overriding theme of traditionalism. This project uses traditional designs and modern materials to say, basically, that we as Native peoples are and ancient race caught up in a modern society, a world we have little or no control over, a world that puts our future in question. The answer to a lot of our questions lies in our past and is something that we left behind. The only real way to find it is to retrace our steps. It is my hope that this generation will find the answer to their questions along this path of rediscovery and pave the way for the future members of out Native Nation.
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