Profiled: Hilary Price and Rhymes With Orange
Skip to commentsThe Republican (MA) interviewed Rhymes With Orange creator Hilary Price for their prominent women in the Pioneer Valley series.
What have been some of the obstacles?
The deadline, seven comic strips a week. You have to build up your creative muscle to keep pumping them out. And when it becomes your vocation, versus your calling, gone are the days when creativity visits you. You have to actively visit it.
Another real challenge is scheduling my time. No one is expecting me to show up, so I have to motivate yourself to get started. Which means stop reading e-mail, stop doing laundry, and make friends with that blank piece of paper. While cartooning is a creative job, I could also aptly describe ?Rhymes With Orange? as a small business. I am an independent contractor who has a syndicate sell her work to newspapers. I am in charge of my own retirement, my own health insurance, my own administrative tasks, my own pr. If I have news to share, my syndicate will help me get the word out there, but the news generation is up to me. This isn?t a bone of contention, just the truth about doing art as a living ? you are your own best marketer.
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