Editorial cartooning

Columbus Dispatch hires Nate Beeler

The Columbus Dispatch, who has been without an editorial cartoonist since Jeff Stahler resigned in December under an accusation of plagiarism, has announced that they’ve hired Washington Examiner editorial cartoonist Nate Beeler. Nate is a Ohio native and conservative which makes him a perfect match with the paper.

From the paper’s announcement Editor Ben Marrison said, “We were fortunate to have a strong pool of applicants for this position. Nate’s artistic and journalistic talents made him our top choice.”

Correction: The initial post indicated Nate was the cartoonist for The Washington Times. I’ve updated the post to reflect his true employer as The Washington Examiner.

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Comments 17

  1. Nate is an excellent choice! Congrats!!

  2. What has become of Jeff Stahler since his resignation?

  3. Jeff is still drawing editorial cartoons for syndication.

  4. FYI-
    It’s the Examiner…the Times dumped Garner their longtime ed toonist a few years back.

  5. Way to go Nate, that’s awesome

  6. This is just FANTASTIC news! Congratulations Nate! And to the management team at the Columbus Dispatch: Well Done. You still believe in a vital piece of American journalism. Hiring Nate was a brilliant move!

  7. Congrats Nate!!!! Well deserved.

  8. “We were fortunate to have a strong pool of applicants for this position.”

    Yeah, you mean like hundreds of editorial cartoonists who have been laid off in recent years. 🙂

    Congratulations, Nate!

  9. Congratulations to Nate! He is indeed a good fit for the Dispatch.

  10. Thank goodness there’s at least ONE newspaper in this country to realize the good sense of having a staff editorial cartoonist.

  11. Well done Nate, congratulations!

  12. We’ll miss you around here, Nate! Congratulations and also to the Times-Dispatch for bringing on terrific cartoonist.

  13. Oops, I mean the Columbus Dispatch… Times-Dispatch is in Richmond, which I wish would-a hired Nate as he’d still be here in Virginia.

  14. Not much chance the Times-Dispatch will hire anyone! Not only could they not afford me anymore after 30 years (or over 100 other folks, either), they had to drop Oliphant because his syndicate fee was too high. They now carry only four syndicated cartoonists, and fill in some days with copyright-free artwork or photos that readers send in. Editorial Dept. staff that once numbered 14 people is down to five!

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