Mohammed Cartoon

Lars Vilks pelted with eggs at University lecture

Lars Vilks, whose drawing of the prophet Muhammad as a dog was published in 2007, was attacked by students throwing eggs during a lecture at Karlstad University in central Sweden. He was unharmed and was able to continue his lecture on limits of free speech after the protestors were removed from the audience.

This hasn’t been the first attack. In 2010, he was attacked by protestors during a lecture and was head-butted. Later that week two men were arrested for an attempt to burn his home resulting in Lars going into hiding. He was also the target of

Last year, American Colleen LaRose (AKA “Jihad Jane”) is plead guilty in an alleged plot to kill Lars.

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Comments 3

  1. Ah, yes, another wonderful example of Muslim moderates living in a western country and showing us how broad-minded and accepting of western values they can be.

  2. Who says Muslims don’t have a sense of humor?

  3. Wow. Alarming enough you would think that, but to say it aloud in a public forum? An astonishing display of bigotry, given how many Muslims there are in so many western countries.

    You really think there’s no difference between Osama bin Laden and Kareem Abdul Jabbar? Really, Carl?

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