Why Edison Lee isn’t on Amazon: It’s printed in USA
Skip to commentsAnne Hambrock has reposted an excellent article detailing how she and her husband John went about self publishing their first collection of his strip The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee. She mentions that they’re not selling the book on Amazon and offers this as one of the reasons:
Which is when I realized that we had never really told the story in its entirety all in one place. John did do three installments of it over on his Cartoonist Studio Blog but, it turns out that blog doesn’t list by topic, only month, so you’ll have a hard time finding it there. So I have transported those pieces over here and put them all in one blog post below. It’s pretty long but if you are thinking of making your own book collection, I think it’s also pretty valuable.
Some quick points in case you don’t have time for the whole article:
1) We wanted to use a local American Printer rather than outsource to Asia.
I have to commend their choice and think it is totally in keeping with the politics of the strip’s characters. I wonder if I could have done the same knowing that overseas printers are so much cheaper and therefore adding extra profit margin (or freedom to discount) that the Hambrocks can’t.
That said, it’s a great looking book. Excellent color, layout and weight (or stock?) for the paper both on the cover and interior pages. They’ve put a lot of work into this book and it shows.
I know I’ve linked the John’s post mentioned above before and if you haven’t had a chance to read it, it’s a good overview of what goes into self publishing a book.
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