web comics

Interviewed: Brad Guigar about Webcomics.com

Brad Guigar, creator of Evil Inc. and the editor of Webcomics.com was interviewed by Brigid Alverson for Comic Book Resource’s Robot 6 blog about Webcomics.com that went behind pay-wall two years ago.

Robot 6: I want to start with a general question: Are webcomics still an important sector of the comics world? And how do you think their role and significance have changed in the past two years?

Brad Guigar: I think webcomics are the most important, most vital comics being produced today. I think the term ?webcomics? has come to represent not just comics posted on the web, but rather, independent comics as a whole. The recent cresting of digital downloading is going to be one more tool ? like social media was a few years ago ? that webcomics will incorporate to help make independent comics thrive.

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Comments 6

  1. Webcomics have certainly come a long way since they started. Because of a steady decline in newspaper sales in favor of digital distribution platforms, papers are less inclined to take on new comic strips. This makes internet distribution essential for newer aspiring cartoonists that wish to get their name out in the public view.

  2. Brad, Kurt, Dave and Scott are all such enthusiasts for the medium of webcomics and their book on how to become a web cartoonist is just brilliant.

    It’s sad that the funny pages are cracking up, but at least there is a future for all talent on the net. And you don’t need the permission of a god playing editor to get there.

    It’s a field I’m looking into. A field that still allows freedom to have a giggle. Keep an eye on me folks, I’m creating as we speak

  3. Karl,
    Having seen your exceptional work I’m sure you will do fine!

  4. Very interesting points by Mr. Guigar. You know, I don’t even read monthly print comics anymore. I’m finding much more interesting stuff online.

  5. Keith, Thanks very much. You are very kind. Keep in touch and I’ll let you know when I’m ready to go

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