Daily Cartoonist

Happy Holidays; Closing down for the year

To everyone celebrating Christmas (or the December holiday of your choosing), I wish you all a happy holiday. Stay safe and I’ll see you back here on January 3rd unless breaking news happens.

To send you all off, here is a caption contest using my holiday card for this year. Put your best caption in the comments.

Click the image to see the original cartoon and caption.


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Comments 26

  1. “I knew those elves were up to something in that workshop of his.” 🙂 Merry Christmas!!! 🙂

  2. “Guess that explains why Rudolph’s butt says ‘Made in Japan.'”

  3. “There’s something thier not telling us about that nose!”

  4. The reindeer is saying, “Looks like Santa is ready to stop by Mark Tatulli’s house”.

    Bwa ha ha ha… Kidding Mark! You are my 7th favorite cartoonist… no wait 9th………. 15th if we factor in unsyndicated cartoonists… if that’s the case I jump to number 5……. just in front of Danny Boris and the judges in the upcoming Cartoonist Studio contest. Once the contest is over, Mark will move up a few notches……… but will still be behind me and Charmy’s Army…. PLUG!

  5. We’ve got to go to Fukushima, he says. They don’t make fallout suits in reindeer size, he says!

  6. I think he’s trying to tell us to change our diet.

  7. “I KNOW you told me to pee before we left. And debating that fact isn’t helping the situation.”

  8. I have a feeling we need to wear one of those suits Santa is wearing, or our noses will look like Rudolphs!

  9. “Yeah, I KNOW Santa said Rudolph’s nose was perfectly safe, but….”

  10. He claims that the new suit protects him better from the cold. Between you and me though, I think he’s not telling us something about Rudolph’s nose. Have you seen the way it glows!

  11. “Oh @#%&, did Rudolph eat bean burritos for lunch again?”
    “Is Santa delivery Stephan Patis’s latest Perals Before Swine books?” – Bwa ha ha ha! Honestly, Stephan is one of my heroes. I think he is number 2!!!!

  12. Oops…. typoed the word PEARLS…. like no one has ever heard of Pearls before Swine……..

  13. “Whatever it is, it’s killed five of us already.”

  14. “Did anyone take a shower yet?”

  15. “Wow!…to think Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen AND Comet were all toxic!!”

  16. all fun n games till he took an arrow to the knee

  17. I guess this will kill next year’s Christmas Eve chilli cookoff.

  18. “What the @#$% is in the Magic Reindeer Feed this year?”

  19. “I told you nothing good could come from Congress’s incandescent light bulb phaseout.”

  20. “I don’t know…but, I’ll bet it’s Obama’s fault!”

  21. “Blitzen, I told you to go before we left the workshop. If you just stand like this, you’ll be okay until we get to the first rest stop”…….. Bwa ha ha ha!!!!!!!

  22. Being down wind of rudolphs butt deffinately explains the Haz-Met Suit.

  23. Why’s everyone having a meltdown?

  24. I’ll bet you didn’t get a Christmas card from Jeff Stahler, did you?

  25. Sure he did, and it was a great one. The Professor was dressed up as Santa Claus, and he and Shoe were putting presents in Skyler’s stocking.

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