Editorial cartooning

Mike Keefe takes buyout

Sad news from Daryl Cagle:

You?ve been with the Denver Post since 1975. What are you looking forward to most with the free time you?ve just given yourself?

My wife, who is still working, asked me how I was going to spend my days. I said, ?Three words: Turner Classic Movies.? She was not amused. Actually, I have a number of things in mind: I want to beef up my guitar chops, paint a bit, pick up the slack on Sardonika.com, a satiric blog that Tim Menees and I do. (He?s been doing most of the heavy lifting lately.) And I want to write. I?ve been researching the armored recon squadron in which my dad served in WWII. I?ve gotten a lot of riveting material.

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Comments 11

  1. NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Mike you are one of the best ones out there. We are going to miss you my friend. Have fun and follow your passion. Mike

  2. I’m saddened by the news, as well. Mike was one of the very first professional cartoonists I ever met (way back in 1981) and has been a great friend to me ever since.

    The business is hurt every time it loses another cartoonist, but especially when than cartoonist is one the caliber of Mike Keefe.

  3. Sad for the editorial cartooning community but I’m happy for Mike. Best wishes and looking forward to seeing your future creative projects!

  4. Mike’s a great guy and one of the best in our business. I’m glad he’ll continue doodling for syndication and have more time to work on chord changes and alternate tunings.

  5. I was so pleased about Keefe’s Pulitzer – and now we’re losing him, although I hope he’ll continue some of his work in some way.

  6. Mike is an institution at the Post. Just another example of money people in the industry thinking that cutting off ones’ own hands is a terrific way to lose weight.

  7. Very sorry to hear this. Best of luck on the new projects, Mike

  8. WOW! That’s disheartening. Great run Mike, continue on with success.

  9. Why would they get rid of someone the year he won the Pulitzer? They should be throwing money at him to stay.
    I hope he keeps syndicating.

  10. @Clay: Same reaction. This is like asking Justin Verlander to retire.

  11. good luck to a great toonist and all-around class guy.

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