A beginners guide to Tintin
Skip to commentsI took the family to see Puss in Boots Sunday (go ahead and skip it or wait for DVD) and saw the Tintin trailer during the previews. I whispered to my wife just how big Tintin is in Europe. She’d not heard of Tintin before and I suspect most in the audience hadn’t either.
The LA Times Hero Complex blog is doing a series on the “heritage of the [Tintin] character”:
A cousin of such 20th century American young-adult heroes as the Hardy Boys and Tom Swift, Tintin is no longer a boy, nor quite yet a man. (“It’s difficult to say,” Herg’e once told a teenaged interviewer who asked the character’s age, and then settled on 17.) But he is manly in a way that boys were once told to strive to be: athletic, brave, loyal, cool-headed, polite. In any case, neither his friends nor foes, all his senior, treat him as a child; practically speaking, he is more adult than any of them. His virtues are, essentially, Boy Scout virtues – Herg’e had enthusiastically been a Scout himself – and in early drawings Tintin markedly resembles his predecessor Totor, the star of a strip Herg’e had written for Le Boy-Scout Belge.
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