Simpson accused of plagiarizing MacNelly cartoon
Skip to commentsA David Simpson editorial cartoon in the latest issue of The Urban Tulsa might look eerily familiar to fans of the late Jeff MacNelly. The original MacNelly cartoon depicts is a scene of a military junk yard with President Jimmy Carter trying to jump start an aged jet with a beat-up pickup truck. The Simpson cartoon… well same cartoon right down the the fence, jet, pickup and trash on the ground. The labels are updated to make the cartoon work for a current Oklahoma news story.
Here’s MacNelly’s original:
Here’s Simpsons’s cartoon:
And here’s the MacNelly’s cartoon overlaid with Simpsons. You can tell the cartoon was redrawn and not photocopied.
This is not the first time Simpson has been accused of plagiarism. He was let go from The Tulsa World in 2005 after it was pointed out that he had blatantly redrew a 1981 editorial cartoon by Bob Englehart of the The Hartford Courant.
The Urban Tulsa has not responded to a request for comment. I’ll post their response as well as a response from Simpson if provided.
UPDATE: This Land has taken upon itself to look for further cases. They’ve found several more.
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