Comic strips

Video: Learn to Draw (or be retired) featuring Cathy Guisewite and Bill Amend

This is the Learn to Draw video shown at this last year’s Reuben Award weekend. It’s also Tom Gammill’s 30th episode. In this installment, Foxtrot creator Bill Amend teaches recently retired Cathy Guisewite what to do with all her spare time.

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Comments 4

  1. This was great! I would’ve loved to see more of Tom Gammill.

  2. You can Chris! Just go to that video’s Youtube channel. Tom is freaking hee-larry-us!!! I want to do some cartoon training videos of my own now!!!!!!!

    Tom is my new hero. One day I hope to have half his talent!!!!

  3. HA ha, this was funny but am I the only one that was hoping for drawing lessons when I pushed play?

    Think I’ll have to watch the 29 previous episodes if I find them NOT on Youtube. It makes me browser shutdown every single time.

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