Irene floods CCS’ Schulz Library; potentially lost (UPDATED)
Skip to commentsTom Spurgeon reports that Center For Cartoon Studies Director James Sturm and several students made a middle of the night heroic effort to move about 70 percent of the print material from the Schulz Library that lies near the White River. The river is threatening to flood due to Hurricane Irene. The other material was moved to higher shelves.
Sturm indicates that despite the harrowing night, the volunteers were largely successful. “Trees, huge freight containers smacking into bridge a few feet away as we worked. Got maybe 70 percent of the stuff out of there, rest moved to higher shelves. [We’ll] know more tomorrow [about the] fate of rest of collection.” Sturm indicated that the building itself might be a loss. “Probably won’t be able to move back into that wonderful space (the old firehouse). The Schulz Library shares the building with The Main Street Museum, a one-of-a-kind place. It would be awful if that amazing institution went under.”
UPDATE: The CCS has posted photos on their Flickr account of the flood waters. Look for the photos that show the water level against the building.
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