Comic strips

Check out this Calvin and Hobbes mural

From the GoComics blog:

The title of the blog post is “I JUST FEEL BAD THAT OUR LAWYERS ARE GOING TO MAKE HIM TAKE IT DOWN.” Not sure how serious Universal/Watterson would be about a take down order, but my interpretation of copyright tells me this would fall under fair use.

UPDATE: Now that I think about it, the headline might be referring to the video. Which would be a shame too.

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Comments 5

  1. Hmm… Maybe it doesn’t fall under fair use because it’s directly copyed from a Bill Watterson drawing (the backcover of “Revenge of the Babysat”)?

  2. Universal should sign the painter up to revive Calvin. Great copy.

  3. I did a tribute of C&H in one of my Skipper Sunday comics and sent it to John asking if it was alright to post. I never got a letter back about anything, so it’s still on my web site. It wasn’t a copy of anything though…

    This is a wonderful mural that certainly has no market other than being on that wall, I don’t see why it would need to come down.

  4. It’s a joke. The family, according to this joke, has a platoon of over-cautious lawyers who wander through the house looking for potential liabilities and are going to order the family child to take down the mural in his playroom.

    He should have painted it on the ceiling so it would literally be over your … ah, never mind.

  5. Whoops — just saw that the post is from GoComics.

    Yeah, but it’s still a joke. Home decor is not a target for anybody’s lawyers.

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