Comic strips

Anne Hambrock organizes cartooning festival

Anne Hambrock who works on her husband’s strip The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee has announced that she’s organized a new comic festival called the Kenosha Festival of Cartooning. The project started when Carthage College Gallery Director inquired about bringing John Read’s “One Fine Sunday in the Funny Pages” to Kenosha and Anne opted to organize a festival around it.

The festival runs September 14-16 and will feature MAD Magazine cartoonist Tom Richmond, her husband John Hambrock, Between Friends creator Sandra Bell Lundy, Paul Gilligan, creator of Pooch Cafe, Scott Stantis, editorial Cartoonist for the Chicago Tribune, Michael Jantze creator of The Norm and head of Jantze Animation Studios and of course John Read the publisher of “Stay Tooned” magazine and the curator of “One Fine Sunday in the Funny Pages” exhibit.

Visit the festival website for panel details.

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Comments 15

  1. VERY cool! Congrats to Anne and all involved.

  2. What a great coincidence, I will be in Milwaukee that week, so I plan on attending several of these dates. Thank you Anne.

  3. Alan,

    Thank you so much for the mention! And one of the great things about bringing One Fine Sunday to Carthage is that there will finally be a catalogue of the show!

    @Joe – We look forward to seeing you!

  4. @Mike

    Sandra and Paul are coming – wish you could tag along!!

  5. I wish I could go. Good luck, Anne.

  6. Mike Cope, you ARE coming down, right?

  7. @Mike Cope: you could paddle boat to this one if you start early enough.

  8. This will be fun. Anne and co are doing a great job setting this up.

  9. @Anne Hambrock- how do you find the time?

    Great lineup and a great exhibit. I’m definitely making the trip.

  10. @Dan,

    I have a time machine 🙂

    Thanks for the kind words and support, everyone.

  11. I will have to check this out, since it’s right in my backyard.

  12. @Anne, John & Frank:

    Would definitely love to attend. Will be looking into it once I confirm some upcoming project schedules.

    Anne, I may have overlooked it on the blog, but what would you suggest accommodation-wise? Does the campus offer hotel services? Or what’s nearest to the events?

  13. @Mike

    The Best Western Harborside is the only centrally located hotel. Unfortunately, neither the local College or University offer accommodations but there are several hotels on I 94 which is about a 10 to 15 minute drive from all the events.

    Hope we see you!!!

  14. @Mike,

    And thanks for the heads up – I’ll list accommodations on the blog.

  15. Kudos Anne, it’s a great show and sounds like you’ll have a top-notch event around it.

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