Editorial cartooning

Peter Brooks cartoon being called Rupert propaganda

Daryl Cagle points out that Times of London editorial cartoonist Peter Brookes is being accused of providing “pro-Murdoch propaganda” for a cartoon he drew featuring starving Somalians with the caption, “I’ve had a bellyful of phone-hacking…” It’s important to note that the Times of London is a Rupert Murdock owned newspaper.

Regardless, Twitter went ablaze with critics like NPR’s Louisa Lim, who noted the cartoon is crude and tasteless, and “comes off as pro-Murdoch propaganda.” The BBC’s Robert Rea also chimed in, claiming that the cartoon “implies focusing on corruption allows famine to go unchecked.” Solange Uwimana, writer and editor for Media Matters, said he has no words for the cartoon, but thought that “Murdoch and all his minions couldn’t be any more depraved.”

View the cartoon over at Daryl’s blog.

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