Marvel kills off Peter Parker
Skip to commentsToday’s last edition of Ultimate Comics Spider-Man reveals the death of Spider-Man at the hands of the Green Goblin. To be clear, this is a spin off comic much like the story-line of The Amazing Spider-Man in newspapers is different than those in the comic shop.
But this new, younger Ultimate Spider-Man wasn’t a part of that established Marvel continuity – he was off in a brave new world of his own. Not for long, though; he was soon joined by Ultimate versions of other classic Marvel heroes and villains. As the Ultimate Universe grew, so did its singular appeal: Here, old, familiar characters played out old, familiar storylines, but the creators delighted in toying with readers’ expectations.
And so, in the Ultimate Universe, amid all the familiar elements, the character arcs and team-ups and cross-overs and Clone Sagas (don’t ask), things turned out differently than they had in the mainstream Marvel U. Characters exhibited different motivations and personalities. The stories we’d grown up on ended in shocking new ways. High-profile characters died – and, more often than not, stayed that way.
Michael Cavna posts a reader/fan reaction.
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