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Comments 11

  1. Sorry… there’s just something fundamentally wrong with hearing Sally mention the name of a sexually transmitted disease.

  2. Wow. It used to be everyone wanted to create the next ‘Calvin and Hobbs’ or ‘Farside’. Now everyone wants to create the next ‘Garfeild minus Garfeild’. 🙁

  3. At least Garfield Minus Garfield showcases what a weird and depressing guy Jon really is, this is just cognitive dissonance humour. Works well enough for what it is, but probably won’t have much lasting appeal.

  4. I think about the times when Peanuts mentions Tiger Woods–I can’t wait to see what the twitter messages would say about him given all of his recent misadventures!

    I hope someone does the same with The Family Circus (in homage to the old Dysfunctional Family Circus which was shut down by Bil Keane years ago).

  5. for something a little more original, try out at

    A random tweet attached to a Peanuts illustration is a joke that is really only funny once.

  6. Having the chutzpah to rip off Sparky’s art and then put his own copyright notice on it kind of sets a new mark.

  7. Tweeting your junk might not be illegal but pretty sure this is.

  8. I detest any bastardization of Peanuts comics, or any work that I love for that matter. Maybe it’s a weakness, but my sense of humor gets turned off and I can’t get past it.

  9. I’m curious as to how long this will last before Mrs. Schulz brings her lawyers online.

    As for Sally mentioning an STD and, it goes to a whole new level of weird when you know that When Fergie was 9 she was the voice of Sally in a couple movies and the TV series.

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