Garfield is a saboteur
Skip to commentsI came across this letter to the editor and had a “Oh crap! Did Jim forgot to check his calendar again?” The date referenced below is the day before D-Day.
The comic strip “Garfield” has long impressed me with its consistent message of aggrandizing anti-social behavior. The strip is a detriment to young readers and an unwise source of so-called humor to the unthinkable adult.
This past Sunday’s Strip (The Journal-Standard, June 5) clearly went beyond the pale. That opinion, to me, is patently obvious; an explanation is hardly necessary.
Your paper would do well to substitute “Garfield” with a comic strip exhibiting a message of a more socially acceptable behavior (or, at least, a neutral one) and a more mature sort of humor. You owe it especially to the younger reader.
But alas, the strip had nothing to do with D-Day. Surely the reader never grew up with Bugs Bunny, the Roadrunner and Sylvester the cat on Saturday mornings. Here’s a link to offending cartoon.
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