Reflections of the Reuben Award Weekend 2011
Skip to commentsAs attendees of the 2011 National Cartoonist Society’s Reuben Award weekend return home and post their thoughts, experiences and photos of the previous weekend, I’ll link to them here.
One pre-Reuben item: this weekend, Tom Richmond takes the helm of the NCS for a four year term as NCS President replacing outgoing president Jef Keane. Correction: The NCS president term is only 2 years – Jef served 2 terms.
Starting out: Chris Sparks posts photos of Cartoonist of the Year Richard Thompson
This year, the NCS opened it’s doors to the webcartooning community. Here are some of their reactions:
Dave Kellett has posted a cartoon journal of his experience.
But in the NCS, it really felt like a true community. These are people to whom the craft means everything, who swam deep in unknown oceans we online cartoonists only skate on the surface of. To drive the metaphor into the ground, we don?t have the gills for it, and it isn?t as elegant out here on land. Fish.
I come at cartooning from an outsider angle, as do many online artists who never really had dreams of being published in newspapers. I can name my favorite cartoonists on one ? well, maybe two hands, but I don?t know much about them beyond their work which I pored over. I don?t know how they started, what frameworks did or didn?t exist for them, how easy or hard it was for them to move up the ranks. But to spend time in the company of the NCS, all that didn?t seem so distant.
Mike Lynch has posted photos
Anne Hambrock has posted her photos.
Isabella Bannerman has posted sketch notes of the webcartoonist’s panel.
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