Editorial cartooning

Mark Fiore joins The Daily Kos

Markos “kos” Moulitsas, the founder of the leading liberal blog Daily Kos, announced that he has added Pulitzer Prize winner Mark Fiore to the weekly line up. Mark joins Dan Perkins (aka Tom Tomorrow), Jen Sorensen, Matt Bors and Eric Lewis in the weekly rotataion. Mark’s work appears on Thursdays.

Kos writes:

I’ve long dreamed of bringing my favorite political cartoonists to Daily Kos, and we’re making great progress on those dreams. We’ve got five days of the week covered, and even feature a Pulitzer winner. We’ve had some setbacks, but we’re still not done building the coolest political cartoon section online.

One final note — as I read those names, Fiore, Bors, Sorensen, Tomorrow, Lewis, I’m filled with gratitude that I’m a liberal. Because if I was a conservative, I’d have to pretend that Mallard Filmore was funny.

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Comments 8

  1. Wonder if they pay for the cartoons

  2. I’m curious too, do they pay????

  3. You guys think we would let them run us for free? I’m insulted.

  4. … but doubtless still a fraction of what y’all are worth.

  5. To get Fiore, they HAVE to pay. That’s most people’s definition of a “professional”, however, I still wonder if they tried the ludicrous “Think of the exposure!” line of bull-crap in the years prior… I mean, I expect to get calls like that from the clueless masses who want something for nothing, but when the Village Voice tries that nastiness on for size, it make a horrific precedent (thank God they backed off of it. For now.)…

  6. Will the cartoons be culled from your regular, weekly syndicated output, or created expressly for Kos?

  7. @Dave – Nope, no attempt to woo us for exposure. To get me (and Matt) you have to pay too!

    @John – It’s non-exclusive; the site is running our regular strips.

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