Clear Blue Water coming to end
Skip to commentsI noticed on Karen Montague-Reyes’ blog that she’s announced she’ll be ending Clear Blue Water for good at the end of this week. It left syndication in 2008 and Karen planned on turning the strip into a webcomic but struggled to keep it regularly updated.
She writes:
On another note, some may be wondering where I’ve been. Well, I’ve been on vacation. It is probably permanent. Clear Blue Water is pretty much dead. I will try to post my last cartoons soon. I have written them. And then I think I will be done. I just have too much going on in my life to do this anymore-as much as I love it.
Here are the main reasons I am retiring. My husband is sick. He is finally in remission (praise God!), but the drugs he is taking that put him there are hardcore and have some nasty side-effects. He does not have cancer (Hallelujah!), but instead has a pretty nasty something else. And I will leave it at that. I have needed to focus on our family more. My oldest is leaving for college soon. Clem got into the college of her choice. She also got into the program of her choice. She has received some really great scholarships and we will hear soon about many more that she applied for. We are hopeful that she will be able to fully fund her college years without going into debt with student loans and such. But, all this has taken work-work that has almost taken over our lives the last few months. And finally, I am just burnt. I am working on another project that is taking up all of my free time and so Clear Blue Water (which earns no money-my own fault, I know, but that’s the reality) has been put on the back burner to focus on actual money-making. How very …capitalist of me.
So if anyone is still reading this claptrap, look for CBW to go out with a whimper before the week is out. And thanks for the fabulous ride!
Best of luck to you and your family Karen.
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