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Comments 16

  1. Personally, I’m almost as tired of all the “look at the clever thing I did with someone else’s work” stuff on the web as I am with all the “look at the clever way I mocked someone else’s work” stuff on the web.

    I realize I’m in the minority.

  2. It is not only unnecessary to be able to draw to be a cartoonist, it’s is unnecessary to try.

  3. I also agree with Norm. These things are funny for about 5 minutes. The novelty wears off pretty quick.

  4. This isn’t even as clever as Garfield Minus Garfield, which is yet another sentence I never imagined typing. I’m also with Norm.

    Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to read this new edition of Huckleberry Finn, and …. aw, jeez!

  5. This is so pathetic. Incredibly stupid.

  6. The 3eanuts that I saw don’t really change the tone of the strip, they just show Schulz’s skill in writing every panel. Without looking back at the original, I bet the forth panel doesn’t change the already funny/pathetic story, it just summarizes the character’s feelings in a clever way. Instead of making the strip surreal or creepy like GWG does, it just reduces the impact.

  7. I guess these guys really love these strips and are trying to be a part of them by doing this stuff, like Star Wars geeks do with fan films and YouTube re-edits.

    G-M-G was funny the first few weeks, but after you read through them the first time they’re meaningless. I guess that’s the problem with novelty stuff, it wears thin so fast.

    But this Peanuts thing makes so little sense, it’s not even funny in a bizzare non sequitur way. I mean next, someone will take the dialog completely out of a strip, like maybe Doonesbury or something.

    Hey,now that is an idea!

  8. Good grief. Norm, you’re not in the minority.

  9. I love you Norm, and Retail, and you know Gil was an all time fave of mine, and while these ‘doing clever things’ things are hit and miss, I’m big on the ‘make fun of somebody’s work’ sites. To me it’s the modern equivilant of my geeky friends and I talking about comics. They’re like a modern day ‘watercooler’.

    And you’re talking to a guy who was banned from one for being untalented. 😀 😀 😀

    Truth is a lot of strips currently out there are actually partially still around because of people who can’t stand them reading them to roll their eyes at them.

  10. I found it interesting and enjoyed reading the page of strips, but was a little surprised to find a second page and that it was something that continues. This is where these things lose me: As a commentary, sure. Make it your dissertation if you’d like. But, as a running feature, copyright issues aside, they’ve just got no legs.

  11. Mark me down as not being a fan of “vampire strips.” If you’re going to use existing properties, do something novel with them (a la “Sam’s Strip”).

  12. I’m not a fan of “vampire strips”, either…

    …unless it’s “Scary Gary”.. 😛

  13. I like the new Peanuts graphic novel better. It’s really well done.

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