Comic strips

Profiled: Reynolds Unwrapped creator Dan Reynolds

The Syracuse New Times has lengthy piece on Dan Reynolds, his comics, and his growing involvement in his community.

While he’s nationally known and has his share of followers in Central New York, many of those followers don’t realize he lives among them. “I’m in a weird situation,” he says. “I do my work here locally but I don’t do my work for the local area. Up until recently I didn’t make much of an effort at letting people know that I’m here or what I do.”

The impetus for this change was Reynolds’ battle with, and ultimate victory over, cancer. “Since I had cancer, I started to make more of a concentrated effort; I decided it would be fun to share more of what I do on a local level,” he says. “So I’ve made myself more available, like the last couple of years working with the American Cancer Society locally, helping them out, participating in fundraising walks.”

Dan also has an exhibit of his work being shown at the Everson Museum of Art in Syracuse NY. Exhibit is entitled “Reynolds Unwrapped: The Cartoon Art of Dan Reynolds” and opened earlier this month and runs through July 10.

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Comments 2

  1. Dan,
    Glad to hear you are doing better.

  2. I see cartoons by Dan Reynolds in Reader’s Digest time and time again and they are always interesting to pick apart. His attention to detail and the impact of the gag go hand in hand. Great hearing Dan has triumphed in so many ways, keep up the good work Reynolds!

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