Profiled: Derf and his return to the City Paper
Skip to commentsMike Rhode interviews Derf in his Washington City Paper column.
WCP: What other type of cartooning or illustration do you do?
Derf: I’m a graphic novelist. My last book, Punk Rock & Trailer Parks, was included in the prestigious Best American Comics 2010 and my next one, My Friend Dahmer, a memoir of my teenage friendship with the future serial killer (really!) will be released by Abrams Books in Spring 2012.
I’ve also been doing a weekly webcomic, Trashed, based on my experiences as a garbageman in a small midwestern town. That was my job before I took up cartooning and one to which I am no doubt destined to return. Wizard World magazine, house organ of the comix promotion behemoth, just named me one of the five “Next Top Webcartoonists.” So I guess I’m a webcartoonist now. Who knew? How the hell did that happen?
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