Comic strips

My Cage returns. Now on

Ed Power and Melissa DeJesus’ My Cage is back. The short run comic that run through King Features Syndicate is now re-running on as of yesterday. Ed tells me that if there is enough positive response, new comics will be posted.

Melissa re-colored the first 2 months of daily strips. The first week had only run in b&w, and the rest had been colored by King’s in house coloring staff – which didn’t match with later Sunday strips.

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Comments 13

  1. Good luck to you and Melissa, Ed!

  2. Good comics never fade away, they go online so we can continue to enjoy them.

  3. (Yes, but let’s hope we can enjoy them in a way that puts some $ into Ed and Melissa’s pockets. I hope there is gold in them thar gocomics hills)

    Best of luck to you both!

  4. How awesome! I’ve been looking forward to seeing the beginning comics in color, I’m glad you two have something going on. Hope this brings promise for you two, I still say it to everyone whenever comic comes to mind, that MyCage is one of the best comics out there.

  5. I hope the 2 months of reruns are a hit on so that I can see in new episodes the birth of Norm and Bridget’s first child!

  6. Good luck, Ed & Melissa! I hope GoComics can bring My Cage back to life.

  7. E&M: I know this will be beneficial to both you and the syndicate. Bon chance!

  8. Hope you crash those servers with the increased traffic, Ed and Melissa!

  9. Welcome to GoComics family. Like the Sopranos, just slightly less crazy (if you don’t count John Glynn).

  10. Oops. Should be THE GoComics family.

  11. My wife and I are so extremely pleased to see My Cage have a chance at a second life: it was the primary reason we visited all the way from where we live in Southwestern Pennsylvania. All best wishes and here’s to the further adventures of our favorite platypus and company. God Bless.

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