Editorial cartooning

Marshall Ramsey takes on new adventure in radio

Back in November editorial cartoonist Marshall Ramsey was dropped to part-time status by his paper, The Clarion-Ledger. He’s got a new gig now… in radio.

Here’s what he wrote about his experience after losing his full-time gig.

It wasn’t easy. Anger kept poking its nose under the tent. And I kept beating it back – some days better than others. Looking back depressed me. But thanks to some amazing friends, I was able to look forward and see amazing possibilities. Doug Wilson (of car fame) was one of the first to reach out to me. He’s an amazing, upbeat man who kept me out of the depression ditches. Brilliant accountant Paul Breazeale helped me set up my business and offered advice. The amazing Andy Chapman and his partner and wife Marianna Hayes Chapman showed me the potential for the future. My cousin Dave provided me with a great role model and tons of great advice and encouragement. Christopher Powell, the Rector at St. James, gave me counsel and a video to produce. Blake Wilson helped me keep the faith. My parents offered me support as only parents can. Barbie Bassett gave counsel as well. Bo Bounds showed me a path to success. Kevin Webb, the general manager WJNT offered me an opportunity (that I eventually did not take, but am very appreciative of.) Groups had the faith in me to hire me to speak. My wife Amy kept her head in the middle of economic and emotional chaos. My best friend Randy would check up on me from time to time to make sure I wasn’t insane yet. Other dear friends found the right words at the right time, offered prayers and encouragement. The MRBA on my C-L blog reminded me that my work still meant something. Every time I needed a shove in the right direction, someone crossed my path and helped me. Wow.

The last four months have been a blur. I know I have probably forgotten to mention someone and I apologize.

Tuesday I start a new adventure. It’s one where I get to use my talents in a new way. Yes, my cartoons will still appear in The Clarion-Ledger part-time. But I now have another opportunity that allows me and my family to stay in a community that has given us so much over the past 14 years. Monday is the official announcement. I can’t wait to tell you more.

He now has a radio program starting today between 3 and 6 p.m. Here’s the promo on the station’s website:

Marshall Ramsey brings a unique perspective from the pages of his cartoons to behind the mic. Come jump in the ink with us each weekday from 3-6pm for a different look at Mississippi politics. One with some “ha ha” and some “can you believe that!” We couldn’t write what happens in politics and this state, but Marshall will sure draw it for you on the best paper in the world, your mind.

Marshall will continue to draw cartoons for the paper. As he noted on twitter, “I still am a part-time employee of The Clarion-Ledger and hope it succeeds. Why? For my coworkers; who are the best around.”

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Comments 8

  1. Good for you, Marshall! Congrats!

  2. More people will hear you than are buying the Clarion-Ledger these days, anyway, Marshall. Congrats!

  3. Good deal, Marshall. I knew you’d bounce back. Is there a streaming link where we can hear your dulcet tones?

  4. For those that have never met Marshall in person, he is one of the funniest !@#$$! guys you’ll ever meet. This is a great outlet for his talents.

    Any chance that station streams online?

  5. Awesome news Marshall, congrats!

  6. Thanks. I’m about to draw Thursday’s cartoon (for my part-time) gig. I enjoy the radio show and find that show prep isn’t much different than what I do for cartoon prep. (ask me how I feel about it after a couple of months, though). One of the best parts is that my show follows my cousin Dave’s nationally syndicated show — my parent’s get a kick out that. Dave told me what I got cut back that it was going to be the best thing that would ever happened to me. I thought he was full of crap at the time, but he was right. The community rallied around me and my work and I’m keeping busier than ever. And if you ever need a Catfood Helper recipe, let me know. Here’s the station’s link. The show will get better over time…


  7. Nicely done, Marshall. Congrats.

  8. Way to tough it out. Good luck in your new endeavor!

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