Comic strips

Videos: Lynn Johnston lets us into her studio

Sketchaholic interviews For Better of For Worse creator Lynn Johnston. It’s broken up into six parts – but they bleed into each other. I’ve written out what topic they are talking about at the beginning of each video.

First video: Lynn talks about her start in cartooning.

What’s harder? Getting exposure or gaining the talent?

Where did you progress the most artistically?

Lynn talks about how her famous story-line and reader reaction where Farley dies heroically. The story ran the same time of the Oklahoma City bomb.

The art that hangs on her wall. Lynn starts pulling art off the wall – much like Mark Tatulli did in last week’s Tall Tale Radio podcast but without the messy hair.

Lynn picks a winner to a participant contest and then goes back into the studio and pulls out all sorts of props that she’s collected to be used as visual references.

Hat tip: Mike Lynch

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Comments 8

  1. “The art that hangs on her wall. Lynn starts pulling art off the wall ? much like Mark Tatulli did in last week?s Tall Tale Radio podcast but without the messy hair.”

    Tatulli had nothing on his walls. I think Racine pointed that out to him.

    And his hair was perfect.

  2. I had nothing on the walls of that side of my office, where the webcam was pointed. On the other side was a fullsize replication of Picasso’s “Guernica”.

  3. Great interview! It’s SO much fun watching amazing cartoonists get all excited (all over again) about what they do.

  4. Whoa, that was so cool! How awesome would that of been to have a bunch of Peanuts blanks.

  5. I love everything she says about a work ethic. Everything I’ve blown in the past boils down to mentally giving up. The job I currently have felt more like winning American Idol. It’s fierce out there.

  6. Thanks Alan for posting this interview. It should be a “must see” for any aspiring cartoonist.

  7. Unexpectedly good interview!

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